Friday, March 13, 2009

The day fast approaches...

Imprint will be having a new 4 color press installed on Monday, March 16 2009. We're frantically prepping the warehouse and office, doing a lot of moving and cleaning and lifting and setting down... It's tough work, but we're really looking forward to getting this new machine up and running!

I'd like to send out big props to our head pressman in charge (HPiC), Brett, as he has been busting his butt to get extra work out in anticipation of our slight downtime. He's been working nights and weekends, and just generally kicking ass. Thanks Brett! You da man!!!

So, that said, after today, our phones will be down Saturday, March 14, 2009 - Monday, March 16, 2009... We'll be back in the office, Tuesday, March 17, 2009. But don't think we'll be out partying over the weekend, we'll be hard at work with even more prep work, and working with our electrician friends as we get everything wired and ready to go.

I'd also like to thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding during this big move... We've got some great people we work for/with, and we're thankful for them everyday.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Imprint will be undergoing an equipment upgrade, and will be closed Monday, March 16, 2009. We will have no phone service from Saturday, March 14, 2009 - Monday, March 16, 2009. If you have any questions, or concerns, you can email us, and we will respond as soon as possible. We will return to normal operating hours on Tuesday, March 17, 2009.
Thank you for your understanding...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When does 2+2=+/-.5? Stick around to find out...
Alternately 0+2=1, but that's another story...